In this article it discusses the important people in history. The first one is Mohammad the founder of islamic faith. He was the creater of a new religion. The second was issac newton who summarized most of histories greatest scientist work and helped with developing calculus. The third is Jesus Christ. His philosiphy in love and god brought a new religion and a the attension of the rule of law. The next is buddha he left who left his regular life to discover nature and suffering. Through the years he discovered meditation was the key to enlightment. That brought ahead a new religion. The next person is Confucius his writings brought harmony to the world. Then their's St. Paul he wrote testitaments that are still seen in many cities today. Many christians have read these and converted because of his teaching. Ts'ai Lun was the inventor of paper and his invention of paper was spread around the nation. Johann Guetenberg was the inventor of the printing press,his invention helped us to spread news around the world. Christopher Columbus was an explorer that changed history forever with his traveling in the early times. Lastly was Albert Einstein the developmenter in theories and science. His work has been popular and is most talked about in history today.
I picked this article because it gave me a basic review of all the important people in history. It was about important people who discovered the true meaning of science and in religion. Since I love understanding religion and science I picked this article.
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