My last memory in high school is going to be me graduating. I will never forget all the great times I had at Piper High all the great times will be flashing in my head as I walk the stage.I had my doubts in the beginning but now I know that I would never have it any other way. I learned so much in Spanish and Biology. Journalism taught me how to share ideas and I enjoyed blogging. I think I will continue to do this to share my thoughts on things I have observed and go through. I can't wait to walk the stage and get my diploma. That will surely be the best feeling. I can't believe that I'm done with schoool. Now my main focus is going to be college and my career. What ever happens I have to make something of myself and I will never forget Piper. Piper high school was the best!!!
Sincerly Alliea.B
P.S- I'll miss you Mr. Conde.: D